Jake Dailey
Jake Dailey is a MSFS student focused on technology policy, trade policy, and economic security, with a regional focus on the Americas. Prior to joining MSFS, he was a Principal Research Scientist at Amazon Web Services, Inc., driving global transformation in strategic decision-making using data, machine learning, and statistics. Prior to joining Amazon, Jake was a research scientist and technical lead at Nielsen, where his work resulted in 4 patents in audience measurement and differential privacy, and where he led global cloud transformation initiatives. He created and delivered a machine learning theory course through Stanford University's Summer Institutes, as well as delivering workshops at the American Association for Public Opinion Research and Open Data Science conferences. He holds a Bachelor's in Communication Studies from the University of Michigan, where he led research on non-traditional public opinion estimation, co-authoring a chapter in Digital Discussions: How Big Data Informs Political Communication with Professor Josh Pasek called, "Why Don’t Tweets Consistently Track Elections? Lessons from Linking Twitter and Survey Data Streams."