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Title: MSFS Class of 2026 Orientation

Day 1

Students introduced themselves in groups representing their regional, topical, and personal interests. They then engaged in a discussion on the topic “What is Foreign Service” led by MSFS Director George Shambaugh and Deputy Director Ashley Lenihan. Later, the MSFS DEIA Committee facilitated a workshop on DEIA skills and how to incorporate them into students’ graduate school experience. Students then participated in a data skills workshop led by Director Shambaugh and MSFS Faculty Professor Mary Hallward-Driemeier. The day culminated in brief campus tour followed by a happy hour with MSFS alumni where students had the chance to speak with alumni. The alumni represented classes as early as the class of 1974 and as recent as the class of 2024.

Day 2

The day opened with introductions by student groups on campus, such as the MSFS Reps, the Georgetown Anti-Poverty Society (GAPS), and the SFS Energy Club. Next, second-year students led panel discussions on topics like “Finding an Intership,” and “Getting Involved on Campus”. Then, our concentration chairs led an advice panel to address student concerns about concentrations, common pitfalls that first-year students should be aware of, and career planning. The students then participated in a detailed academic overview so that they could understand the program’s course, language, internship, and leadership requirements. Finally, we were happy to welcome SFS Dean Joel Helman for a brief closing address followed by a rousing rendition of the Georgetown Fight Song led by Deputy Director Lenihan, Professor Anthony Arend, and the BSFS/MSFS students!

MSFS first-year, Jonah Gosnay, spoke about his experience with Orientation and how his peers motivate him.

A Testimonial

“I chose to come to Georgetown because I wanted a rigorous graduate education steeped in a community of foreign affairs thinkers that will constantly push me to expand my knowledge and the ways in which I view our world. After orientation I can confidently say that the MSFS community will provide me that push in spades. In addition to the informational sessions were helpful and enlightening in and of themselves, the discussions among my new classmates really framed my outlook on the next two years here and elevated my enthusiasm for the work that we will soon begin together. Throughout the week, I did not have a single boring conversation with any of my new peers. In each conversation I found myself grateful for the opportunity, and eager to wrestle with the most pressing IR ideas of our time in a group of thinkers from such idiosyncratic backgrounds. While learning about our program in greater detail has certainly reinforced my desire to start classes again, it’s taking those classes with those I met over the course of the last week that I am most excited about.”

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